Design of 4 Bit Adder cum Subtractor using Structural Modeling Style-
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Output Waveform : 4 Bit Adder / Subtractor |
Verilog CODE -
// Title : adder_subtactor_4bit
// Design : upload_design1
// Author : Naresh Singh Dobal
// Company : nsd
// File : Design of 4 Bit adder cum subtractor using structural modeling style.v
module adder_subtactor_4bit ( a ,b ,sel ,dout );
output [3:0] dout ;
input [3:0] a ;
input [3:0] b ;
input sel ;
wire [3:0]m;
wire [3:0]n;
adder_4bit u0 (.a (a),
.b (b),
.sum (m));
subtractor_4bit u1 (.a(a),
.diff (n));
mux_4bit u2 (.a(m),
//--------------------- Design of 4 bit adder -------------------
// Title : adder_4bit
// Design : verilog upload
// Author : Naresh Singh Dobal
// Company : nsd
// File : Design of 4 Bit Adder using 4 Full adder (Structural Modeling Style).v
module adder_4bit ( a ,b ,sum ,carry );
output [3:0] sum ;
output carry ;
input [3:0] a ;
input [3:0] b ;
wire [2:0]s;
full_adder u0 (a[0],b[0],1'b0,sum[0],s[0]);
full_adder u1 (a[1],b[1],s[0],sum[1],s[1]);
full_adder u2 (a[2],b[2],s[1],sum[2],s[2]);
full_adder u3 (a[3],b[3],s[2],sum[3],carry);
//-------------- 4 bit subtractor --------------------
// Title : Subtractor_4bit
// Design : verilog upload
// Author : Naresh Singh Dobal
// Company : nsd
// File : Design of 4 Bit Subtractor using Structural Modeling Style.v
module subtractor_4bit ( a ,b ,diff ,borrow );
output [3:0] diff ;
output borrow ;
input [3:0] a ;
input [3:0] b ;
wire [2:0]s;
wire [3:0]l;
full_adder u0 (a[0],l[0],1'b1,diff[0],s[0]);
full_adder u1 (a[1],l[1],s[0],diff[1],s[1]);
full_adder u2 (a[2],l[2],s[1],diff[2],s[2]);
full_adder u3 (a[3],l[3],s[2],diff[3],borrow);
//-------------------- Full Adder Design ---------------------
// Title : full_adder
// Design : verilog upload
// Author : Naresh Singh Dobal
// Company : nsd
// File : full adder design.v
module full_adder ( a ,b ,c ,sum ,carry );
output sum ;
output carry ;
input a ;
input b ;
input c ;
assign sum = a ^ b ^ c;
assign carry = (a&b) | (b&c) | (c&a);
//-------------- 2 : 1 Multiplexer (4 bit) Design ------------
// Title : 2 : multiplexer
// Design : verilog upload
// Author : Naresh Singh Dobal
// Company : nsd
// File : 2 to 1 Multiplexer.v
module mux_4bit ( a ,b , sel, dout );
output [3:0]dout ;
input [3:0]a ;
input [3:0]b ;
input sel ;
assign dout = sel ? b : a;
Very helpful and to the point.Thank you very much!
There is a mistake in subtractor code wire l is not defined.
Correct Code :
module subtractor_4bit ( a ,b ,diff ,borrow );
output [3:0] diff ;
output borrow ;
input [3:0] a ;
input [3:0] b ;
wire [2:0]s;
wire [3:0]l;
full_adder u0 (a[0],l[0],1'b1,diff[0],s[0]);
full_adder u1 (a[1],l[1],s[0],diff[1],s[1]);
full_adder u2 (a[2],l[2],s[1],diff[2],s[2]);
full_adder u3 (a[3],l[3],s[2],diff[3],borrow);
very nice
very nice
Why we're using multiplexer in this?
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